报告人:Varandas Paulo (Universidade Federal da Bahia)


地点:https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/97851867455?pwd=WWppWGhpSHlMV0FhMzFocXY2TTlrUT09ID: 978 5186 7455,Password: 500644 

摘要:The dynamics of continuous finitely generated semigroup actions has attracted the attention of many researchers, 

with the aim of establishing variational principles and studying their topological, geometrical and ergodic theory aspects.
After many contributions in the last decade, many of these goals have been partially obtained whenever the generators 
satisfy either some specification or hyperbolicity conditions.  In this talk I will report on recent works concerning the thermodynamic
aspects of semigroup actions, namely on variational principles and equilibrium states for certain classes of semigroup actions.
